Kia Ora and welcome to 2011!!
Mista Slip Stitch and I have landed back in Kiwi land over the weekend and were thrown straight back into the normality of daily work on Monday morning. A little spaced out after a marathon journey of nearly 40hrs, the shock of temperature change of nearly 30 degrees Celsius and not to mention the shock of having to work after 7 weeks of sweet nothing, it took a few days to settle in and get back to 'normal'.
But we don't want to keep you waiting any longer. Now with a slight delay (apologies to all) we'll show you our little tagging action while in Germany. We did three tags at different locations.
No.1 was another wintry tag as a New Years greeting to the town of Norden in East Frisia at the North Sea coast.
another possible tagging location in Norden? |
So we say
Moin Norden and have a wonderful 2011!
Tag No.2 was put up on a day tip to Cologne/Köln (or Kölle in local dialect). It was such a nice day but it was absolutely freezing. So we went from art gallery to pub to shop to pub to shop to pub.... you get the picture. Finally before we had to catch the train back we found a suitable lamppost and left our little tag behind. It actually took me a while to thread the needle because my hands where shaking so much from the cold. So here it is.
So Kölle Alaaf and all the best for 2011!
And finally tag No.3 in the town of Münster in Westphalia. A little pushed for time to finish it and running out of wool we managed to put this tag up the day we caught the plane back to NZ.
We aimed for a bigger size initially but were quite happy with it in the end. It was just a shame that it was raining so much on that day. It would've been lovely on a sunny winter's day but there you go. Sometimes you don't have a choice.
Well, isn't this a red flag for any yarn bomber?
And right in front of a police station. Oh my.
How's that for a red flag? |
some early interest
Münster Olé and we wish all a blessed 2011!!
So that's our three little tags in Germany. We had bigger plans to start with but in the end spending time with friends and family was a definite priority over tagging. But we're very pleased to have left a little yarn trail on our journey. And we had a fabulous time. White Christmas, snowman building, sledging, snowball fights, open fire, mulled wine, trifle, ginger bread, candles everywhere. Bliss.
Now we're back in the heat of New Zealand's summer and getting ready for more tagging around town. So stay tuned and have an amazing New Year!!
warm and woolly regards from your CBA
PS here's the proof that Mista Slip Stitch is not only the escape driver :-)